Positive Thinking Occurs in Mind and it helps our body too. Positive thoughts creates real value in our life and help us building skills that last much longer than a smile.It gives us a real smile and also its makes us stronger to face any difficulties.Positive thinking brought out the new you.When negative thinking says its difficult,I haven't done anything like this before positive thinking says its high time to learn something new.When negative thinking says it is very complicated one your positive thinking will say lets try it from a different angle.If positive thinking says there is no way that it will work on that time positive thinking going to say I will try to make this work.Again if your negative mind says I am lazy to do this,your positive one will say I will re examine my priorities.Those who succeeded in life thats because of their positive thought and there are a lot who have to give away their life because of their negative thinking.Let me share one....

In Boston, America[1986] one convict was sentenced to death by hang.Some scientist suggested that they should take a test on the accused.The prisoner is told that instead of hanging you will be poisoned toxic snake bite.

The prisoner was placed on the chair and his hands and feet were tied, by binding his eyes instead of toxic snake two safety pins were frozen. As a result, the prisoner died within a few seconds. In the postmortem report, it was found that the snake's venom contained in his body.

The question is, where did this venom come from, which took away the life of that prisoner?

It is said that the poison originated from his own body. Positive and negative energy is created from our determination.And that energy produces hormones in our body. The main reason of 75% of the diseases is our negative thoughts. People are destroying their own species from their own thoughts.

Keep your thoughts always positive and be happy.
By the age of 25 we think that 'what people will think!
50 years we are afraid 'what people think!'
After 50 years, we realize that 'no one has ever considered me.'
But there is nothing to do! 

So its high time to become positive and also for getting success.