However, you know, extra-bodily habits can also bring danger! Can create new problems. Let's find out - about the problems caused by excessive bodybuilding -
1) Excessive bodybuilding can weaken the muscles of the body. At the same time, the body can be tired of excess energy loss.
2) Excessive exercise can cause the heart muscle to become tired. Heart can also be affected. In this case, the risk of a heart attack may increase.
3) Excessive levels of adrenaline in our body are removed due to excess exercise. As a result, our brain becomes stimulated. This does not make it easy to sleep. So fatigue is not easy to overcome.
4) Many times in the urge to fast fat, many people work out the gym after the hour as well as reduce the amount of food. As a result, problems like malnutrition and exhaustion can build up in the body.
5) The body may be damaged due to bone loss of ankle, knee, wrist or elbow joints sometimes due to excess body weight or excess weight. In addition to exercise, mind, mood can be irritated. Gradual depression may also increase.
6) It can cause additional stress on the nerves or nerves. In addition, many times the body's immunity can be reduced. As a result, the risk of infection in the body increases.